Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's Thursday so it must be Edinburgh!
Actually we keep asking each other what day it is!
I'm having a great time, seeing lots of new things as well as familiar things. Getting to know our kids has been a treat. I've joked with Dave that I fell like a mother duck leading her ducklings as we go from place to place.
Wednesday was a nice day weather wise. We got to the hostel with no problems except that we couldn't check in for 3 hours so we got to walk around, get our phones and had lunch.
In our room, I have a window over my bed so I can look out at the sky. This morning I woke up to the sound of rain. Normally, I like laying in bed listening to the rain. However, it didn't bode well for today. We've had a cold rain all day and despite the rain, we still made it around town. It was agreed that warmer coats were a plus along with hats and gloves. Those that needed warmer things have taken care of the wardrobe problems.
Our kids are great to get to know. They make all the hours that we've put into planning the trip worth every minute that we spent. I hope we can deliver on all they are expecting and make it the trip of a lifetime. They are definintely making it the trip of my lifetime!
We have one more day in Edinburgh and then we are off to see Londontown, one of my favorite cities. I'm anxious to share it with them and hope they like it too.
Be back later.

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